NOTE: Here's a post I borrowed from one of my other blogs, just to let y'all know what you're missing.
So, what do you do when your son works dutifully on a comic for a very long time, sits at the table and stares at it for a while, then presents it to you, saying, "I don't get it?"
Well, here's what I did:
Son: [Handing over comic] "I don't get it."
Me: [Studying drawing] Uh, well, this is your drawing, right? He's, um -- wait. If this is your drawing and you don't get it, you're in trouble.
Son: I don't get it.
Me: Well, uh, he's got this phone, see, and . . .
Wife: Wait. That wouldn't work. How would the phone ring?
Me: Well, he's got a banana on the receiver, see, so it would work.
Wife: Oh yeah. Right.
Son: I still don't get it.
Not sure how I can help you further, kiddo.
Indy and Harry
We're heavily into many things at our house, as is the case with many
houses. So here are the fruits of many hours spent with Harry Potter and
Indiana Jone...
10 years ago
My family just spent ten minutes figuring this comic out, and we UNDERSTAND IT! *does fist pump* It is actually kind of funny.
- Tasha (hijacking her father's account)
That's about as long as it took us to convince Liam that he understood it as well . . .
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