Thursday, April 9, 2020

"Do Something, Cat."

Believe me, I understand the impetus to do something.

Although, maybe I don't.

This past week alone, I've met a lot of people doing something. Mostly related to the coronavirus, of course. Which is fine. Admirable. But don't get disappointed if I don't do something alongside you.

Three groups this week. Very busy Facebook groups. Today, one is taking us on a whirlwind tour of local restaurants we should be supporting during the stay-at-home crisis. And all I can think is, "You know, maybe you should have done that virtually. You know, staying home."

But that puts the Libertarians on Facebook (TM) aghast. How dare ANYONE infringe on my right to do anything? HOW DARE YOUR SIR? Because we're on the slipper slope to the Holocaust or the gulags because there's NOTHING in between being asked to limit our trips and being frog-marched into the wilderness to labor for The Man.

See, I don't understand "doing something."

Maybe it's my nature. I'm a little more laid back than some. and that's DANGEROUS, DANGEROUS the do-somethings say.

Well, it's not like I'm not doing anything. I just don't see a lot of utility in what the do-somethings are doing.

Maybe I should try harder.

And maybe they should wind the paranoia back a few dozen notches.

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