Saturday, August 22, 2020

More Home-Wrecking

 A new home wrecking/improvement project: Garage shelves.

Though as is familiar with a lot of projects, there's a lot of stuff that has to happen first before the shelves go up.

What you're seeing here is the end result of removing the single garage window and walling up the space. It maybe looks stupid on the outside, but the good thing is I still have siding to do on the house, so it'll be covered up before winter. (That's my goal, anyway, to finish the siding on the lower part of the house before winter.)

Funny thing is this morning I had convinced myself to leave the window in place. Then I went out to the garage and looked and figured this sixteen square feet of space would be much better used as shelves for storage than as a window. There are plenty of opportunities to introduce natural light, through the doors. And I'm hoping that once we're done with the shelves, I'll be able to use and open the side door to let more light in.

We have, shall we say, accumulated over the years since we moved in. I have moved a bunch of stuff to the crawlspace, but that's not a solution that's going to keep on working. Plus we've got a lot of camping equipment, for us and for Troop 1010, that needs to go somewhere. And I'd like an easier-to-access (and keep clean) work bench. So the work bench is being moved to the back wall of the garage, and floor-to ceiling shelves are going up on the north wall. We've had some shelving there, but it's hodge-podge and not really all that sturdy. Hoping this will lead us into a new era of storage. And probably more work when we look at the south wall with its sagging shelving and decide we need to do something to make that a bit better too.

One of the things I want to do with this current project is to find a space on the north wall to put Christmas trees, so the spot where the trees are now can be reconfigured to become home to the freezer and other tall things, like tables and such. Hoping that happens, but I have to find spots for the trees first or that project won't go anywhere fast.

And while this is again delaying the siding, it's at least getting a bit of exterior remodel done so when it's time for siding, I'm not worried about whether to cover up that window or not. That choice has already been made.

I can't complete the interior yet, though. we need to get some outlets put in before I get too far along. But we can't delay forever because the back porch has become a garage junk staging area.

What I'm undecided on is where my drawers are going to go. I brought a six-drawer dresser that was in our shed in Sugar City, and it's handy beyond all reason for bits from plumbing to painting. I may get rid of the shell and stack the drawers in a custom built-in by the workbench, if I can manage it.

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