Thursday, March 18, 2021

Avert Your Eyes, Pearl-Clutchers!

In case I suddenly fall silent on Facebook for the next 30 days, let it be known that sharing an image featuring [REDACTED name of infamous international terrorist] in the company of [REDACTED name of anal yet beloved pigeon-fancier and bottle cap collector] goes against Facebook's community standard of EVER posting a joke image on its service.

In their cautionary note to me, they did not indicate which person in the image violated their community standards, so I have to assume it was [REDACTED name of infamous international terrorist], although in context it can be assumed the other personage represented is also pretty damned shifty.

They also assured me, in banning me from advertising or going live on Facebook for the next 30 days that "mistakes are made," so they stopped short of a full 30-day disadulation. By this I assume their magnanimity refers to me making mistakes in posting the naughty image, not them in getting salty over a joke.

Rest assured the AI bots in the employ of Mark Zuckerberg are always vigilant in their attempts to protect Facebook's users from humor.

The offending photo, explained. It's also displayed at the bottom of this post.

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