Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Careful With Them Big Fingers

A sudden workplace memory:

\My job used to involve updating binders of paper records. Often the updates were huge and held together by rather tough and large rubber bands, big enough one could make a slingshot out of them if one were in the mood.

Once in my cubicle I was playing with one of the rubber bands, wrapping it around and through the fingers on my right hand. My cubicle was at the intersection of a rather busy set of corridors, one of which led to the cafeteria and bathrooms.

As the head of the entire project -- a rather loud and boisterous man -- walked past my cubicle, I lost control of the rubber band and it shot out of my cubicle at speed, missing the big boss by inches.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" he shouted.

I heard the rubber band land in the alcove where the printers and plotters were.

"What? Didn't see anything," said one of those in his entourage.

"Somethin' flew past my head. Musta been a bug."

They proceeded down the hallway, as I pounded on my heart with my stapler to get it going again.

*That* is the kind of stuff I miss, not working in the office anymore

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