NOTE: Found this old poem today. It's not so bad.
We came today to sit at tables
discussing what and who is ables
to push the paper or chair the thing
to pull the bull by the bright brass ring
Man with the tie and shiny head
talked and talked 'till my eyes were red
we open folder and write down notes
I cross me eyes as me bladder floats
We hem and we haw and agenda oodles
I fill three pages with cubes and doodles
Something said in my direction
slid on by without detection
The thing was said to me once more
while I bobbed my head, tried not to snore
but by bobbing, I express comprehension
though in reality I lost all attention
So then, Bill, the chairthing burbled
praytell share this problem's hurdles
So me, Bill, sweating, rubbed my neck
empty-headed, but what the heck
They pause to hear my thought sprofound
while I tap my feets upon the ground
Throats are cleared and eyes are rivited
while the frog in my throat deeply ribbited
Well, said I, stood, shuffling papers
clearly where the budget tapers
is where we ought to smack this beast
and our phantom profits will be released
The room was quiet, the room was still,
the chairthing said, well, thank you Bill
we'll take your thoughts into consideration
and forgive you of this abomination
The room not still, was full of titters
smiling faces and gobs of whispers
Cruelly mocked, my fates decry
blushing redly, zipped the fly.
Indy and Harry
We're heavily into many things at our house, as is the case with many
houses. So here are the fruits of many hours spent with Harry Potter and
Indiana Jone...
10 years ago
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