Thursday, January 23, 2025

Old Fart Pet Peeve Incoming

At our house, we're still antiquated fossils in that we have a supply of postage stamps. Yes, we pay many bills online. Yes, we communicate with most folks via the Intnernet. Nevertheless, there are still things that go out through the United States Postal Service, and some of it internationally.

Thus lies the problem: None of the stamps, be they for domestic or international service, carry their value on the face of them anymore. Used to be (gather 'round, kids) stamps displayed their value in US currency right on them. If you needed a stamp for a domestic letter, you looked until you found a 25-cent stamp.

Nowaways, with stamp prices increasing with the regularity of the tides, the postal service just prints "Forever" or whatnot on them, disguising their value.

Every time I need a stamp, I wander into my wife's craft room. Then I have to call her, Keeper of the Stamps, to ask which stamps are for domestic mail, and which are for international mail. I don't want to use an international stamp -- which cost more money at the post office but conceals its true value to all but the purchaser -- on a domestic letter, thus paying more to The Man than necessary.

In short, USPS, can you go back to printing the value of the stamps on them, or at least clearly label them in some way so as to differentiate between domestic and international rates.

Expecting no reply, I remain sincerely yours, or at least until we no longer need your services.


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