As some of you may know, in addition to my full-time job I teach online English at BYU-Idaho.
Last month, with enrollment looking to be lower than expected, I was offered a Level Three contract for this semester, meaning the chance of getting a contract wasn't likely.
I happened to check my email round about noon and saw I had a "contract update" from the powers that be, changing that Level Three to a Level One, meaning I most certainly have a class.
Semester starts today. Guess who isn't prepared, nor as of yet doesn't even has a class in Canvas to prepare?
And I already have students asking if I can add them to the class.
The inmates are running the asylum.
I have put in a call to Online Scheduling to find out what the poop is.
Further updates will arrive as events warrant.
UPDATE 1: I have been able to email my students to let them know I am aware I have a class but that I can't access it yet. They may not be able to access it yet either, so we're likely in the same boat. Any deadlines for this week will be shifted accordingly.
UPDATE 2: My wife, on learning the news, says with the extra cash I can buy the new desktop computer I've been thinking about. The one I have is Windowsn 10 and can't be updated to Windows 11, and Windows 10 support ends in a few months.
UPDATE 3: I'm in. Class count has continued to increase, from 16 to 22. The cap is 25, which I expect I may have reached since I checked last night.
UPDATE 4: Yup. Hit the cap.
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