Friday, July 12, 2019

Deer Strike

Considering how many trips we've made to and from various scout camps in the past eight years, I'm surprised this hasn't happened before. But it happened this week. Michelle hit a deer in the Tardis, somewhere near Harriman State Park.

If the Idaho Department of Fish and Game had its way, this might have been avoided. They'd like to put up fencing to prevent large game from crossing the roads, with a few overpass-style wildlife crossings. But the residents of Fremont County decided they didn't want that. So can I send them the bill?

Yes, this is our new car. Lucky for us. Lucky in that we have the comprehensive insurance coverage, which will fix this. And also lucky that it came with emergency roadside care through 2023, so all we had to do to get it from Harriman to Idaho Falls was make a phone call.

What you see leaking I'm fairly certain is windshield wiper fluid, as that's where the reservoir is. But Michelle was getting a lot of warning messages on the dash, so having someone come retrieve the vehicle for us was a blessing.

And Michelle wasn't hurt. The biggest blessing of all. Though she was shedding tears for the deer.

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