Sunday, November 12, 2023

No, It's the Children Who are Wrong

My wife is taking a social media marketing class, and part of that means creating a profile on Linkedin.

I am on Linkedin, but when I go there and read the things in the technical writing forums, I feel very disconnected from the current world of technical writing.

Part of that could be that I'm in the waste cleanup industry, which seems a bit hidebound in tradition. We don't cotton to fancy notions like XML and whatnot.

Should I be upgraing my skills to include more alphabet soup, or . . .

The skill set I have works adequately well for the job I have. It's highly likely I'll be at this job until I retire, and that's twelve or so years off. Of course, anything could happen between now and then. I'm not averse to learning new things, but with working full time, teaching part time, and taking on two Scout-related responsibilities at least in the short term, I don't have the time.

And if I did have the time, where to start? I'm a fossilizing Gen Xer; there are many younger than I who have the skills, but are likely not interested in working the job I currently have because the skills just aren't called for.

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