Saturday, May 25, 2024

I Got Custody of the Camper

I remember, years ago, reading an Erma Bombeck book (I was a weird kid). One of the bits she wrote was about a guy who got divorced. He never had to pay alimony or anything like that.

He got custody of the lawn.

"It was like he was on parole," she wrote. He couldn't leave town. He had to give up the boat and drinking with his buddies, becaus every weekend was spent on that lawn: Watering, clipping, seeding, mowing . . .

That's how I feel about our camper.

I don't get to use it much. When we do use it as a family, I typically set up a tent because there's more room in a tent than in that camper.

But I do get to maintain it.

This spring, a drawer:

And the ceiling, oohhh, the stupid ceiling, source of many a pain in the butt from water leaks. I'm replacing part of the ceiling right now, and it's not a fun thing to do.

Thing is, I don't know whether Michelle will like my fix. I mean, the ceiling is almond, and I'm putting in white. But the plan is to eventually replace the entire ceiling, if I can get this bit to work. Here's to hoping.

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