Saturday, January 4, 2025

A Warning to Gospel Weenies

I am open to correction on this, but I also wonder.

I read the following in 2 Nephi 28:14:

They wear stiff necks and high heads; yea, and because of pride, and wickedness, and abominations, and whoredoms, they have all gone astray save it be a few, who are the humble followers of Christ; nevertheless, they are led, that in many instances they do err because they are taught by the precepts of men.

I know this chapter is specifically aimed at the "other" churches established in the last days and the troubles they face. Yet I wonder at the specific warning in this verse, as people being led by overzealous application of gospel aspects into error. That's aided by the reference to 2 Peter 3, and the warning against "steadfastness."

Peter and his contemporaries would have been innately familiar with the Law of Moses, and the strict application to that law that was common among many of the Jews. Too strict an application could lead to trouble, as shown by those who brought the adultress to Christ and demanded Jesus punish her according to the law. Jesus pointed toward a better way that did not ignore the violation of the law, but opened the door to repentance and eventual forgiveness, which is how I hoped that story played out.

I see a lot of "steadfastness" in my own church, and worry about it. It's easy to go beyond the mark in application of gospel tenets and forget that it is a gospel of joy, repentance, and forgiveness. A lot of people forget that judgment is the job of God, not us. Everyone has to be careful that they are led by Christ, not by the precepts of men that use Christian language to justify things that are not in harmony with the gospel.


Friday, January 3, 2025

The Stupid Project is Done

It's done. I don't want to think about it any more. I'm tired of seeing it.

But I do think it turned out great. The paint job is temporary because I'm out of the color for the wall, and my wife isn't all that smitten with the color anyway, so we may be painting in the near future. or the far future. All I know is that it's a lot better-looking water shutoff portal than what we started with.

The washer hanging out on the ledge is what opens the little door.

Also, a friend said the setup reminds him of this, which makes me feel a little better:

Thursday, January 2, 2025

And Part Three

Now, part three.

Almost done. I need to prime and paint, then install the door. It'll be nice to have this one behind me.

Michelle's not quite smitten with the pop-out look, but it's something I had to do to make it all look more finished. I think it's turned out great.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Fixing the Hole in the Wall, Part 2

Back on Dec. 13,  I made a hole in the wall in an attempt to stop mice from coming into the craft room.

Today, as the pictures show, I began in earnest to fix the hole. It's been a bit more complicated than I hoped, but I think we'll end up with a better-looking water shutoff access (and I'm sure that's the first time that sentence has evern been written on this planet) than what we started with.

Part of the problem is the piping for the water connection is a bit too far from the wall. They put in a 2x6 wall because this was built as an all-electric house, but even then the pipe and its insulation intruded enough into the room that it couldn't be concealed. So I built a little box, using a piece of pine first used in the first ever Troop 1010 Klondike Derby sled, so the pipe and its insulation are behind the wall. It's a popout of about two inches, which isn't perfect, but I think it'll look a lot better in the end.

I have to let this first coat of plaster dry, then I'll sand it, put on another coat, sand again, then texture and paint. I'd like to think I can have it all done by the weekend.