Monday, February 3, 2025

[Whispers] Don't Lie, Jared!

Speaking of the outrage machine, I saw this today (click to embiggen):

No, really. Click on that picture and blow it up and read the text therein.

As noted in my previous post on Russian propaganda being made for idiots, my Imbecillamus really sent alarm bells off as I read this.

This should be easily verifiable, of course. So I went a-searching for the original story, from a reputable news source, not some social media "news source," and yes, there is a difference.

Here's what I found:

Again, click to embiggen. I'll wait. Read all the words, please.

Notice something missing? Yes, the second is a story about a man making an appeal to Donald Trump to exempt his wife from being deported, as her citizenship was well underway and should be allowed to continue. Missing, of course, is the "fact" that said man is a Trump supporter, shocked and awed! that the position he supported meant pain for himself.

Story after story after story after story has the story of the man's wife being taken, but nothing about the man being a Trump supporter. Oh, there's this one. But it's from 2017. And it's friends of the deported fellow who report regretting voting for Trump. SO THIS OTHER STORY COULD HAVE HAPPENED, RIGH?!!?!

Except, of course, it didn't.

That is, of course, the story the left wants to tell: Trump's supporters will feel the pain for supporting him. I'm sure that'll happen.

But there is NO REASON TO LIE ABOUT THIS PARTICULAR STORY. None. None whatsoever. It's easily verifiable that it DID NOT HAPPEN. Unless you think your own base are the idiots, succumbing to the propaganda made for idiots, their imbecillami muted to the lies because they're lies they want to believe.

Tell the truth. And not the "truth," but the TRUTH.

In case you don't understand what I'm saying, I'll make it simple: Don't lie, Jared.

And don't tell me you have to lie because the other side lies. That's the biggest lie of all. I refuse to choose the lesser of two liars.

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