Sunday, February 23, 2025

Hidden Report No. 4

Here's what I've hidden in the past few days:

A Sailor's Wife -- general ragebait.

Conservative Byte by WJ -- conservative crapola.

Russian Foreign Ministry -- propaganda.

Althea Riley -- conservative crapola.

Your Nation -- general asshattery.

Brietbart -- black belt asshattery.

Again, less time spent on social media lately.

Still, my Kindle Fire is the device that shows me the most crap I end up hiding. My desktop experience is getting better by degrees. My Samsung phone still remains the best.

1. I will hide pages first, people I have encountered only online second, and people I have met in meat space only on rare occasions. The first two won't care that I've hidden their stuff. But meat space people are meat space people.

2. I will be ecumenical. I may hide crap from one political party more than another, but crap from both sides will be hidden.

3. Legitimate news sites will not be hidden, even if I don't agree with their politics.

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