Sunday, February 23, 2025

Ignoring the Problem Continues to Pay Off

A follow-up to yesterday's post, in re: Why am I doing this?

A year or so ago, our solar provider contacted us and said Tmobile was going to discontinue the 2G network their controllers rely on to send information. They offered a few routes to get past the closure, including connecting the controller to a home internet network.

I did what every red-blooded American did with the first notice, and ignored it. Much later, they sent another notice, and I ignored it. Then another notice, and I decided, okay, I'll contact them and get set up for the change. (Note, I'm not sure I ever heard back from them, which is a bad way to reinforce my past ignoring of the problem.)

In the meantime, the deadlines kept getting extended. The last email I have says the networks would be shut down by April 2024. Yet I'm still connected. Even yesterday when I checked, I'm still connected. The deadline has indeed again been pushed back:

Even with this, it's unclear whether their 2G service is ending. Nevertheless, I've got the ethernet cable nearly strung to make any changeover that much easier. We'll see what happens.

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