These are complaints from people who appear to be getting their news exclusively from what they wander into on Facebook, rather than by going to the news website itself.
If this is how you get your news, you're doing the news wrong.
Because remember this: If you get your news from social media, you're only seeing what the algorithm deems fit to show you. It's going to show you things that get a lot of interaction, a lot of traffic and a lot of comment. It's not going to show you everything a news site, your friends, or whatever posts on social media.
If you want news, go to news sites. Use their filters to suss out what you want to read and disregard the rest. East Idaho News (and a lot of other local news sources) makes it pretty simple to do so.
It saddens me to see peoples' media literacy falling at the rate it is. The internet and social media have made it so much easier to interact with the news than ever before, but the majority of people have become too lazy to use it correctly. They don't seek it out; they wait for the news to fall into their laps, and when it's not the kind of news they want to read, they complain about it.
Of course, this is anecdotal. But I'll bet good money that I'm right.
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