I despair having to spend minutes cleaning the metadata out
of the way, only to have it screw up the presentation on the screen because I
left something in or took too much out.
But why does Word need to pick up the metadata when a copy
command is executed? Can anyone explain that to me? All I want is the words.
The words, that’s important. I can fuss with the presentation, or whatever it
is that data is meant to provide.
I have tried this with this document (typed first in Word,
then copied over) to see if it works. Will let y’all know so you can ease off
on the tenterhooks. (One thing I’m discovering right now: Editing the document
adds more XML data, as does the act of SAVING THE FREAKING DOCUMENT. So we’ll
see if I can make all that go away.
Well, it's not all gone, but it's a heck of a lot better.
Well, it's not all gone, but it's a heck of a lot better.
Wikipedia laughably tells me XML is meant to emphasize
“simplicity, generality, and usability over the internet” as it helps to make
documents human-readable and machine-readable.
I call that hogwash. Because when the XML data shows up in
my HTML view, or suddenly inserts extra spaces between my paragraphs (some of
which I can remove, others which I can’t) when I paste my words into my Blogger
WYSWYG, it’s not making it simple or usable, and it sure as hell isn’t making
it human-readable.
So I like that Word offers an option to strip the data from
my document. But shouldn’t that be a default when a copy/paste is requested? I
can do so in Word 2010 if I copy/paste in Word 2010; I get the option to keep
the source formatting, merge formatting, or just take the text over. Not so in
any other Word to web application I’ve ever tried. The XML data is there in all
its ugly glory.
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