Thursday, August 14, 2014

One USB to Bring Them All . . .

Read this today at, concerning the coming of the USB Type-C connector:

Finally, the USB Type-C connector has been designed to scale with the USB spec as it gets faster, so as we move beyond USB 3.1 it should be possible to make future cables physically compatible with one another, avoiding ugly solutions like the micro USB 3.0 Type-B connector.

Can I just say it’s about time?

As spendy as Apple’s cables are, I’ll at least give them the credit for making them all the same size (if not all the same capacity and ability). Over the years, it’s been a nightmare, as a PC user, to keep up with the number of cables required to connect devices and to charge devices and to otherwise use devices. Seeing one type of connector coming in to make everything work happily together (eventually) is a good thing. I’m tired of the snarl of USB cables I have, some of which I no longer remember what they belong to, or even if I still have the device they originally came with. But hey, you can’t throw out cables, because sure’n if you do, as soon as they’ve gone to the trash you’ll remember why you need them.

I remember the day that I discovered my cell phone charger will also charge my Kindle Fire as one of the best days of my life.

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