Thursday, December 20, 2018

"Round About Now . . . "

Round about now, you’re probably expecting an “I’m going to finish Doleful Creatures if it kills me” post.

Because this is usually the time of year when I realize, much to my surprise, that I have NOT finished my book. Yet again. Because of all the gremlins that so easily beset me. Like being totally lazy and neglectful of my book and finding any excuse under the sun to avoid editing it.

I’d like to say I’m going to turn over a new leaf.

I should also say I recently found a past editing attempt and threw it all into the recycling bin. So you can see how well that’s working.

A few things to try:
  1. Now that curtailment is here, I will lock myself for two hours a day in the study to work on my book.
  2. I will prepare a query letter and first chapter to submit to a BYU editing class that’s looking for YA novels right now for next semester.
  3. I will not let future distractions (full-time job, part-time job, starting an all-girl Scouting BSA troop, etc., deter me from my current editing project.
  4. I will cut lots of unnecessary words.
I think No. 4 is going to be the best thing. I’m far enough removed from the story now that I can cut those things that I really like, but that are slowing the story down.

So we’ll see how this goes.

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