Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Spoopy? Spoopy.

Apparently, this short from Sesame Street scared a lot of little kids when it aired in 1975:

Though from a certain point of view it’s understandable why this might scare little kids. It’s hard to look at it now and be scared. And even harking back to my childhood, it’s hard to think of this being scary. I saw creatures and patterns galore in the plaster on various bedroom ceilings, and on the light fixtures in said bedrooms. One bedroom in particular was a joy – with the bed positioned just right, you could see Wile E. Coyote chasing the Road Runner.

But scared of this? Not hardly.

Now this. This scared me silly as a kid:

I still get a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach watching it now. So I can understand how the Crack Master and his ilk might have been scary. Still: seeing patterns in cracks and in plaster feels a lot more common to me than operatic oranges . . . .

Then there’s this. THIS, oh my gosh this. SCARED THE BELOVED BEJEEBERS OUT OF ME. Damn train barreling RIGHT OUT OF THE FRICKIN’ TV SCREEN RIGHT AT ME. Right, boys, dismantle that tunnel quick!

Trains barreling out of two-piece puzzles have got to be even more rare than operatic oranges. Still. Brr. NOTE: The “Trains approaching” warning and the warning to stay behind the yellow line did not appear in the original. And I, being a country bumpkin from flyover country, had only experience with distant freight trains to help fill in the gaps in expectations.

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