Sunday, June 16, 2019

Revision 18 . . .

So over the weekend I entered a pitch contest with Doleful Creatures.

And maybe figured out how to fix it. Again.

And by "fix it," I do mean another rewrite. Which might be good. Or not.

The story has always needed more wossname, as one of Terry Pratchett's characters might say. The wossname might be ratcheting up the stakes for Jarrod, whom I said in my pitch was at fault for humans now entering the world of animals. Which isn't really part of the book. Which is a problem for the contest since the book was supposed to be in finished form.

Which doesn't matter since I haven't heard anything about the contest and it was supposed to be almost instant feedback. I probably misread the closing date or put my email address in wrong, which I'm sure impressed the contest-holders.

I can't help but fight feelings of despair. 2013. I've been nursing this thing since 2013. And maybe it's getting better . . . 

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