Monday, September 14, 2020

An Amazon Conundrum

So I have a Kindle Fire HD. I use it a lot.

But lately, when I open up the Silk web browser, I get this message:

This seems problematic. I don't really want to use apps that aren't up to meeting current security standards. But the problem is this is an Amazon app; they're warning me that an app they've developed isn't meeting their own security protocols.

And I can't tell if they're aware of the problem, or taking the problem seriously.

A lot of web searching has brought me to this:

They're not even acknowledging here that the problem is tied in with their own app, even though the message from this user is pretty clear.

I have sent a message to Amazon about this error message, and have thusfar received only the perfunctory "we acknowledge you've sent us a message; we'll get back with you."

Further bulletins as events warrant.

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