Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Blinded Me With #Scienk. Or Colloidal Silver

So I was watching the DuMont/YouTube last night, as I do, and came upon a video that had a 4:37-minute-long ad at the start.

I figured anyone who wanted to pay for an ad that long had some serious truths to tell, so I didn't skip it.

It featured some guy in a salt-and-pepper beard talking in exhilarating circular fashion about this ONE FOOD we should all be eating in order to live well into our hundreds like these fabulous people he mentioned and not like the Atkins Diet guy and Euell Gibbons who supported healthy lifestyles but died in their 60s and 70s like the pathetic losers they are.

He never did mention the ONE FOOD in specific.

However, in the interest of #scienk, I clicked on the ad to go to his website to see if he mentioned the ONE FOOD since the video ad said his book was so important he was just GIVING it away.

No mention of the ONE FOOD.

But lots of talk about the awesome athletic old guys he wanted us to emulate with his secrets as if genetics had nothing to do with longetivity and MOAR TALK of "supplements" and a "blue dye" he takes on the regular.

So it got me: colloidal silver. That's probably the dye he's talking about.

Now, if the ONE FOOD is donuts, I've probably missed out on a great opportunity. But something tells me the "free" part is basically a transcript of his ad and if I want to know the secrets of the universe I'm going to have to pay.

Why write about this? Because it's the zeitgeist, folks. #scienk rules. And those so-called EXPERTS with their education and stuff can't hold a candle to the real-life knowledge *I* possess and want to share with you for only the low cost of . . .

We laugh at Dr. Terminus in "Pete's Dragon." But they are all around us. And many of us are listening to them.

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