Wednesday, April 13, 2022

By Osiris and by Apis, Look into My Eye!

So here I sit, feeling  . . . what I wonder?

Fatigue, I guess. Hitting that time of year when Scouting -- even with us trying to exit -- is going to keep us busy every weekend into May. I think after then is when I make my exit.

Fatigue. Between semesters at BYUI, but not in the good between when we have a seven-week break, but only a four- or five-day break. Heading into a new syllabus which I've glanced at a long time ago, but it means having to come up with a NEW PLAN. And I do not handle change well.

Fatigue. Coming out of a long two weeks at work. Still loving the job because, so far, they're letting me continue working from home. Hoping that continues, but they're "evaluating" the work from home agreements. My only hope is that one of the big bosses says he doesn't mind that I'm working from home, so I have that to cling to. I don't know if I could go back to getting up early to catch the bus.

I need a break. And that sounds funny coming from someone who just went to Las Vegas in March for a wedding anniversary. Still need a break. A break at home to start getting stuff done. Well, maybe in May.

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