Friday, March 3, 2023


I have gently mocked a "modern" wallet that's a binder clip masquerading as something you'd pay $99 for to hold your cash and credit cards, as advertised on Facebook.

Facebook, then, has flooded my feed with ads for this and other idiot wallets to the point I've just now spent five minutes deleting their ads from my feed.

So I fully expect the number of wallet ads in my feed to double, then triple, because, you know, Facebook has absolutely no willingness to read the room.

My favorite ad for these wallets, however, features some tool flexing over his wallet with the steering wheel of his BMW in the background and a Rolex on his wrist.

I wonder if the ad would have the same cachet if I'd filmed it in our Dodge Grand Caravan with nothing on my wrist at all?

Facebook, trying to sell me wallets.

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