Sunday, May 7, 2023

Sparrow Nest-Building as Entertainment

I spent a few hours near midday yesterday being entertained by some sparrows.

There twere two, sometimes four birds, busily gathering materials to build a nest using a set of those anti-bird spikes as a foundation.

One seemed to be there to oversee the entire project. It just perched in a convenient corner, peeping at the world and keeping a keen eye on all the sparrow comings and goings.

Another kept coming and going, but when he was there he was derpily hanging onto the building while facing it, so he couldn't see all that much of what was going on around thim.

The others were clearly in charge of the nest. They took turns coming and going with bits of straw and grass.

At one point, one of the industrial birds collided midair with the derpy bird. There was a puff of feathers, but neither of them seemed worse for wear.

One, at departure, just dropped out of the nest, no wing action whatsoever, but popped the wings open about a yard form the ground and took off flying.

They saw me watching and wanted to showboat, apparently.

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