Tuesday, February 27, 2024


News Item: In 2025, Wendy's will begin experimenting with surge-style pricing, increasing prices on menu items as demand increases throughout the day.

In response, I offer this scenario, suggested by the 1980 film Popeye:

Popeye: Bunch of carrots?

Mr. Geezil: No, no.

Popeye: You ain't got to carrots? What are those, prunes?

Mr. Geezil: POOEY ON CARROTS. Canned broccoli.

Popeye: I am in the mood for carrots. I need me vitamins.

Mr. Geezil: POOEY ON CARROTS. Take spinach.

Popeye: If I wants spinach, I'll axe yez for spinach.

Mr. Geezil: So, why didn't he say so? For you, each a dollar.

Popeye: How much is the broccoli?

Mr. Geezil: Nickel, maybe dime.

Popeye: And the spinach?

Mr. Geezil: Dime, maybe quarter.

Popeye: Then how come carrots is a dollar?

Mr. Geezil: Dollar fifty. You buy what I don't feel like selling, it cost you two dollars.

Popeye: [Begrudgingly takes offered carrots, tosses a coin.]

Mr. Geezil: Uh uh uh uh, no, no, this is a nickel!

Popeye: I pays what I feels like payin'.

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