Monday, January 20, 2025


While I love the level of detail included in this LEGO set for the Town Hall from "The Nightmare Before Christmas," it's got a property that I've noticed out of late of LEGO sets: It can't pass the structural stability test my younger brother and I devised years ago when we built our own LEGO models: I could not hand this model to my sister and have it stay in one piece for more than a few seconds.

This is not a dis on my sister. She's not clumsy or maladroit or anything. We just figured that if a LEGO thing we built couldn't be handled by someone else for more than a few seconds without breaking, it needed reengineering.

This thing needs reengineering. It's very true to the movie's aesthetic, but structurally is about as fragile as a snowflake.

I really do like the advances in minifig technology, though I think the "children" minifigs should be allowed to sit like their adult counterparts.

I have a few sets that could be classified as older. And while they do break if I accidentally drop them on the floor, they don't shatter and scatter like the new ones do.

Not a criticism. Just something I've noticed.

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