Wednesday, September 25, 2024

"So You've Ruined Your Life"

I'm trying to parse something here; bear with me as I do.

I stumbled across "Spark Space AI" while perusing the ol' Facebook last night. It's a website/service purporting to help educators(!) use artificial intelligence large language models to evaluate and offer feedback on students essays.

Hence, of course, the title of this post, which I yoinked from The Simpsons:



Thus far, this "service" is being offered only to high school teachers, though I'm sure that's just a wink and a nudge.

Who in the instructional community thinks there's nothing wrong with using AI to grade student papers when educators are so vehemently against students using AI to write those papers?

Well, maybe teachers who have given up, maybe just a little.

Stanford University professors, if we're to be believed by the mention of the university at the webiste linked above. Not that Stanford itself is bragging this up, because any searches for Stanford and "Spark Space" bring up nothing reputable related to this service at all.

I imagine it'll only be a matter of time before the Stanford logo disappears from this particular site.

Speaking of Brian Yun. Ahem . . . Buddies with Sam "OpenAI" Altman. So clearly "going" "places."

I guess I'm old-fashioned. I think if we're discouraging students from having robots do the work for them, we as instructors ought to not use robots to grade said work.

Then again, I guess there are teachers who don't give a flying fart. . .

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