Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Welcome to Fort Dix

We just watched the MASH episode where the characters get their families together for a reunion at the Pierre Hotel in New York City.

It's a great episode that is home to two lines by Major Winchester we quote a lot in our family:

1. Hunnicutt, you're to blame for this.

2. I shan't be there. I'm turning myself in to the Chinese.

Not to forget Charles complaining about "my Uncle Ed and *me*" and the goat Randy trying to kiss a turkey.

Tonight, though, it was Klinger's desire to continue the charade that he's really at Fort Dix rather than Korea, so his mother wouldn't worry.

His mother, of course, knew where he was all along, despite the scores of Fort Dix photos he sent home.

Mothers always know.

Miss you, Mom.

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