Wednesday, September 5, 2012


That's how I'm feeling right about now, with less than a week to go before I start teaching two sections of FDENG 101 at BYU-Idaho. I'm ready for the money, ready for the students, but by golly Bob, I'm not sure I'm ready for all the preparations that've got to take place this weekend. Add to that the camping trip with the scouts and the 25-mile bike ride we're doing, and I'm going to be plenty busy this weekend.

But I'll get ready. That's what Saturday and Sunday evenings are for: Getting ready.

Sometimes I wonder if I should feel bad for working on Sundays. Well, given what else is going on during the week -- including a new calling as first counselor in the Elders Quorum -- Sundays are going to become about my only free time anyway, so I'll just have to do it.

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