Friday, September 21, 2012

Gonna Make It, Part II

First of all, remember this post.

A little bitty update:

First of all, at our company picnic today, they pretty much announced that the contract extension will be signed, though they're still saying "within the next week or so," so whether it'll be done by the time the 30th rolls around, I don't know. I'll be watching the news all atwitter this week.

Second of all, Congress is set today to vote on funding the federal government for the next six months, so the question will be how much will DOE get and how much will we get from DOE, not will DOE be on the street corner saying "Spare armadillo, ma'am? Spare armadillo?" So I could end up like Dusty Bottoms in this clip, rather than poor ol' Ned Nederlander:

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