Thursday, June 4, 2015

I'm Gonna Call Rev. 7 Done, but the Book Ain't Done Yet

Elation over finishing Revision 7 to Doleful Creatures is now over, and reality is setting in. And reality is seriously telling me that while I'm closer to getting the book ready for queries and publishing, it's not ready yet.

I'm trying not to feel too depressed about it, but at the same time, I did add quite a bit to the story this time around and it still has some rough edges. Some from before (a lot less, though) and some that I've introduced in this revision.

So, folks, what do I do? Do I send it to beta readers, knowing full well they'll likely tell me some of the same things they've said before? Do I revise one more time before sending it out? Guess I'm a little frustrated.

But I move forward. I'm starting another chapter analysis -- that helped quite a bit last time -- and so far, things are looking better. Not perfect, but better. I'll take that. On to Round 8 I go . . . 

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