Friday, April 20, 2018

I Get Spam . . .

Yes, I get spam. So do we all. Sometimes, it looks like this, and it's obvious what the goal is:

This was so poorly to put together, you have to wonder why they even try any more. Especially on me, where I've already in the past had my Apple account used to steal my credit card information so people could:

  1. Purchase some stupid in-app thing for $30
  2. Buy a bunch of crap at a Canadian home decor store.
Both times, we caught the act in time to have our credit card accounts cancelled and the charges reversed. So to fall for this one, well, I'd have to be really, really stupid.

I'm not that stupid. This week.

Then there's spam like this, where the end goal seems a bit murkier to me:

I don't know what any of these mean. Particularly the last one, where they want me to give them the shaft, apparently.

I suppose it means, since I opened the emails, that they know they have a "live" email account. But I don't know what they get out of it really. It seems to be just as easy to send out emails from a freshly-minted email account to request shafts, hovercraft, and chainsaw distribution.

So I'll watch things, I guess. If I suddenly have a thousand chainsaws at my door, I'll know who to blame.

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