Monday, August 20, 2018

‘He Was A Musician. . .’

There are now to Elders in the Davidson household.

I’m straining to remember what happened the day I was ordained as an Elder, but memory fails me. I might have something recorded in a journal, but my journaling pre-mission was pretty spotty. So. I do know I was ordained by someone not my father; I have his line of authority in my scrapbook. Will have to get a copy of that to Liam.

I think this makes me old. And I felt old when this kid turned eight and entered Cub Scouts.
I remember this from yesterday: Heavenly Father telling Liam to read and study the Book of Mormon, and to seek the companionship of the Holy Ghost. There may have been more, but that’s what stands out in my mind now. Should have had a quiet moment afterward to write a few things down. But busy is as busy does – we also ordained Isaac as a Teacher, and that followed right afterward, then dinner with the family.

Happy times.

Combined with bleak times as we read Mormon and Moroni’s story in The Book of Mormon, and witness the apocalypse they saw. Nowhere near as bleak today, though the storm clouds grow. We see the bleakness when it hits, like it did with Charles.

We get hints of it. Flashes of grey cloud. Though I’m sure Mormon and Moroni saw plenty of what they saw under blue skies and fair breezes.

Satan tries to wear on us. Make us feel that things are on a downward spiral, when often they are but more often are not, and he just wants us discouraged and faithless.

But we fight back.

We shore up our faith, fill the lamps. We do those ordinations and hope they stick with the kid who receives them.

We try not to do things on autopilot, though that is tempting.

And sometimes I slip into that. It’s easy.

Spirit is willing. Flesh is weak.

And sometimes, we think we’re only musicians. But in our case, we are all players of a different sort.

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