Sunday, September 30, 2018

With Apologies to St. Luke

A certain kitchen between the basement and bedrooms fell among slobs, who stripped it of its order, soiled it, and departed, leaving the counters unwiped and the filthy dishes stacked higher than the can opener.

And by chance there came up a certain teenager, a high school graduate and Deseret Industries worker: and when he saw it and his leftover gluten-free pizza, he passed by on the other side.

And likewise a teenage girl, when she was at the place, came and looked on it and plopped a few more dishes by the sink, and passed by on the other side.

LIkewise a third came by, and seeing the cold leftover pizza, ate himself another slice but did not put the rest in a container in the fridge nor did he consider the soiled counters or dishes, and passed by on the other side.

But a certain father, as he journeyed, came where the kitchen was; and when he saw it, he had compassion on it, knowing full well if he passed by on the other side the wife, still in the basement and ever hopeful that someone else would take pity on the kitchen and clean it would be chapped at its current state. So behold, he cleaned it. Well, most of it, leaving a few things to soak.

Thus we see the father wiped up the counters, and to the sink poured in water and fairy liquid, and took out the overflowing garbage, and brought the kitchen to a state of near cleanliness that may still draw a frown but not weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Hoping on the morrow, when he awoke, someone else would take out the recycling and give it to the bins, and say unto them, Thus will I do forevermore, and whatsoever I'd rather be doing than cleaning the kitchen shall be put off until it be clean.

Which now of these four, thinkest thou, was neighbor unto that which fell among the slobs?

(And he did listen to appropriate music as he cleaned.)

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