Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Impeachment Predictions

So the House is (finally) opening an impeachment inquiry to see if President Donald Trump is guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” or however that quote goes.

Going to make a few predictions:

9/24/2019 – Inquiry announced.

Sometime in December 2019 – Inquiry officially opens.

Election Day, 2019 – Inquiry ongoing. Democratic candidates boxed it out during the primaries, with winner and bloodied all beating the drum of IMPEACH TRUMP, leaving Elizabeth Warren as their nominee and It Doesn’t Even Matter as her vice presidential pick, because the headlines the day after Election Day scream TRUMP WINS SECOND TERM.*

Not that the inquiry, ongoing still after election day, won’t find that he did bad. That he doesn’t deserve to be in the Army. But because the inquiry, in the nature of inquiries, gets dragged on and on and on and on by politics and poker, politics and poker, shuffle up the cards and find the joker. But because the Republican base will always be able to do one thing that the Democratic base will never be able to do: No matter how rotten their candidate is, they will hold their nose and vote for that candidate.

So Mike Pence fills Trump’s second term after Trump is forced from office, sometime in August or September 2021.

It’s a full inquiry. Full impeachment finding him guilty. No resignations; that’s not his style.

And impeachment is what will demand full attention and energy of Congress. Not getting other stuff done. But impeachment and impeachment only. And they’ll still get paid, that’s the beauty of it. And they’ll all feel GOOD they did something RIGHT for a change and they’ll run TV ads saying YES YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL and give us contributions so we can KEEP ON DOING THE BUSINESS OF THE PEOPLE.

Or not.

*I’m NOT in favor of Trump. I’m just making predictions.

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