Saturday, September 21, 2019

They Got to See the Beach. And Chase A Seagull.

We've never thought our two dogs, Daisy and Dottie, were all that good in the car. They both want to sit with the driver. They both get really nervous. So we had our doubts when we planned a quick family trip to the Oregon coast -- a trip of almost 2,000 miles -- that they'd survive.

But our dogsitters had moved. And we thought, what the heck?

There were times they didn't like the car. But they did fine.

And they got to play on the beach, near Face Rock at Bandon. And they had a ball chasing a seagull.

Dottie remains our miracle dog. She had IVDD a few years ago and was paralyzed in the rear end department. But she recovered. She still has a bit of a stagger, but can run. And loved running, chasing that bird.

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