Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Too Much Time in Snow Country

 Signs you have spent a long time in snow country:

1. You have at least half a dozen snow shovels, plus other tools dedicated to the removal of snow and ice, including a blunt axe.

2. You have a coal shovel like the one used as sleds in "It's A Wonderful Life" that you use exclusively for snow removal.

3. You have a favorite snow shovel.

4. You are worried your favorite snow shovel is starting to wear out.

5. You are really worried that when your favorite snow shovel breaks you will

a. Not be able to replace it with an equally adequate snow shovel.

b. Have to use one of the less desirable snow shovels you already have.

6. You're overly concerned with the amount of precipitation you're bound to receive.

7. It's a lovely shovel, Mother.

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