Sunday, January 2, 2022

What's All This? What's All This?

I don't know what's going on right now. I kinda feel like Mr. Banks in "Mary Poppins" when he's being "what's all this-ed" by the chimney sweeps suddenly invading his abode:

I do know I'm talking about this: I usually get a seasonal depression this time of year. But thus far, it's a no-show. Maybe I'm jumping the celebratory gun a bit, as January and February still loom large. But I'm hopeful something's turned the corner this year. We'll see.

What prompted the uplift in spirits? Can't be any change in health habits as I haven't made any. Well, I'm drinking more Pepsi, if that's a thing. But maybe some prayers are being answered. Whatever's going on, I'll take it.

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