Saturday, January 22, 2022

Where Are You, Appliance/Absinthe Chicago Lonely Boy?

Twenty years or so ago, in one of my explorations of Internet rabbit holes, I stumbled across a personal blog written by a young man living and working in the Chicago area.

He lived, I thought, a rather empty and lonely life -- but also one in which he appeared to have a lot of disposable income. Almost every post was about his purchase of a new bit of consumer appliancery, from humidifiers to lamps to coffeemakers. The posts not about appliances were about long drives he took in cars he rented as he figured out what kind of car he wanted to buy for himself.

One New Years' Eve, he celebrated with absinthe in a post in which he basked in utter civility.

I've long since lost track of the blog, and wonder if I found it now if he'd still be writing, either about new appliances or new rental cars or absinthe or all of these in context of a family or perhaps he's just an older version of the lonely young man who wrote those messages long ago.

That's the kind of thing you think about when your brain remembers them, is what I'm getting at.

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