Thursday, May 19, 2022

[Drug Dart Meant for Rhino]

Tuesday's primary elections brought some interesting results here in Idaho: Bad news for incumbents, and bad news for the right wing of the Republican Party.

This is, generally, good news for the state.

Before I begin: Yes, I am a RINO. Proud of it. Ronald Reagan -- remember him -- probably would have called me a "big tent" Republican. Though I am Republican under protest because that's where the majority of our competitive races are.

I prefer to think of myself as a love RINO, however:

With only one exception in the races I was watching, the right wing lost. Their winning race -- for state attorney general -- is a bit concerning, but with the likes of Ron Nate and Chad Christensen losing their races, maybe the swap is worth it.

Brad Little won the primary for governor, pulling in votes at almost a 2:1 margin compared to Janice McGeachin, wannabe white-supremacist sympathizer and activator of the Idaho National Guard for duty at the Mexican border when Governor Little left her in charge for a day (to the ING's credit, the man in charge, point blank, told McGeachin to stuff it. (McGeachin lost her home county of Bonneville by a wide margin; even the hippies in Latah County voted more for her than the conservative stiffs locally.)

He does have to face Ammon "Can My Electioneering Count Toward my Court-Ordered Community Service" Bundy in November, but that's a race that's concluded before it's begun.

Oh, and some Democrat. But this is Idaho.

The state GOP was on the steps of the state capitol this week, calling for unity. Something the local GOP doesn't really want, as they're being sued by the state GOP for electoral malfeasance. To be fair, the local GOP committee isn't all that well-liked.

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