Tuesday, May 3, 2022

"It Was Pity That Stayed Bilbo's Hand"

So, things have happened.

Late last night, someone working for the Supreme Court leaked a draft majority opinion in a case pending before the court, essentially throwing out the landmark Roe v. Wade case, which legalized abortion nationwide in the 1970s.

There has been much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth -- and much joy -- on the decision, thought it's far from official though likely to be true.

Also yesterday, prosecutors announced their decision to seek the death penalty for Lori Vallow Daybell, accused of killing her two children in Rexburg several years ago.

Locally, much joy there.

All I see is a conundrum.

Foes of abortion preach the sanctity of life. And practically in the same breath, they applaud the death penalty for Vallow if found guilty. Of course they can hide their hypocrisy behind her alleged involvement in her childrens' deaths. But to preach for sanctity of life in one corner and cheer for death in another sounds hollow.

Of course, both sides are guilty; many of those who want unrestricted abortion also abhor the death penalty.

I take the Gandalf Defense:

The best lines come before the best lines. It was pity that stayed Bilbo's hand; and we should all hesitate to take life -- or have doctors or the state take it for us -- in our righteous indignation, no matter the circumstances. Because we cannot grant life to those who did not deserve death. No crime -- nor condition as being described as a clump of cells -- should alter that agreement.

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