Saturday, January 14, 2023

AI -- and Mercury -- are in Retrograde

A response to a post about artificial intelligence writing blog posts, or summat:

A weird world indeed, Miss Bombski. A weird world indeed.

ChatGPT has this to say about Capricorns when Mercury is in retrograde. So maybe beware:

Mercury in retrograde is a phenomenon that occurs several times a year, during which the planet appears to be moving in the opposite direction of its normal orbit. This can have significant effects on all zodiac signs, but for Capricorns, it can be particularly challenging.

Capricorns are known for their practicality, hard work, and determination. They are ambitious and driven, and they often have a clear vision of what they want to achieve in life. However, when Mercury is in retrograde, it can disrupt their plans and cause delays and setbacks.

During this time, Capricorns may find that their communication is not as clear or effective as usual. They may struggle to get their point across or to understand others. This can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts, both at work and in personal relationships.

Additionally, Mercury in retrograde can cause confusion and indecision. Capricorns may find it hard to make decisions or to stick to their plans. This can make it difficult for them to move forward and achieve their goals.

To minimize the impact of Mercury in retrograde on their lives, Capricorns should take extra care with their communication and be patient with delays and setbacks. They should also try to stay flexible and open to new opportunities, rather than getting stuck in their usual ways of thinking.

In conclusion, Capricorns should be cautious during the time when mercury is in retrograde. They may face hindrances in their communication, decision-making, and may struggle to achieve their goals. But, with patience, flexibility and open-mindedness, they can navigate through the phase with minimal effect on their personal and professional lives.

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