Sunday, January 22, 2023

My Wife: I Think I'll Keep Her

A week ago, I wrote about my chagrin upon discovering a printing error in a book I was reading.

I put out an appeal to others who might have read the book to see if they could pass the missing pages on to me, but as I suspected, that request got no responses. Which is fine. We're all busy, and maybe didn't feel like sending a PDF of pages out of a book to an internet stranger was a good idea. I get it.

My wife, however, listened. She got me the book used via the internet for Christmas 2021, and felt bad the copy was bad. So she went to the ol' internets and found another copy, had it shipped, and presented it to me today.

So I got to read all about Winson Churchill's rather minor exploits during World War I. I'm thrilled beyond belief.

(Pertinent bit starts at about 20:00 in; Margaret Thatcher campaign commercial.)

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