Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Thumper's Dad Was Right

Locally, there's a high-profile murder case, three years in the making, just entering the jury selection phase. The judge has ruled no cameras would be allowed in the courtroom, so a sketch artist was brought in.

The comments on the threads featuring the sketches are filled with rude invective and comments, criticizing the skills of the sketch artist. I'll wager those making the criticisms could not render these sketches any better, under the time constraints in place and to whet the appetite of the "crime vultures," who all along have said they could be better judges, better cops, better reporters, better this and better that. 

I make enough mistakes on my own I don't need to spend time pointing out those made by others. Living in a glass house and all.

Shut up, is what I'd say to these critics. Be better human beings. And get a better hobby.

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