Saturday, April 29, 2023

[Typed for Facebook, but Deleted. Because I'm Tired, Boss. I'm tired.]

Headline: "Neighbors asked a man to stop making noise so a baby could sleep. He then opened fire, sheriff says."

But yeah. 2nd Amendment. Muh rights, and all that. Carry on, citizen. Nothing to see here.

Stupid arguments for and against gun control, post them below. Won't change the fact that five people are dead because someone else thought his right to shoot guns in his front yard at 11:30 at night trumped others' rights to sleep. Or live.

THEY SHOULD HAVE HAD THEIR OWN GUNS AND USED THEM, AMIRITE? Go ahead. Type it. Or it was the alcohol. Or brute stupidity. Type all of it. For heaven's sake; they just wanted it quiet so their baby could sleep.

Have all the guns you want. But use them responsibily. Balance your Constitutional rights with obligations of treating your fellow man with respect, and if that means you shouldn't be shooting your damn gun off in your own front yard at twilight, I guess that's what it has to mean.

And if you're drinking, or high, or whatever, put the damn guns away. Or don't drink or get high.

Make all the clever arguments you like. But remember, what we need more is kindness, not cleverness.

Maybe if I play it extra loud, for those in the back:

More than machinery, we need humanity.

More than cleverness, we need kindness.

Don't give yourself to these unnatural men;

machine men, with machine minds and machine hearts.

You are not machines; you are men.


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