Sunday, December 17, 2023

$1,290 Later . . .

 So, $1,290 later, the garage is back in action.

Good news in the following categories:

1. We no longer have to have someone sleeping in the kitchen with a baseball bat in case someone tried to break in or steal something.

2. The garage door components were undamaged, so the door functions just fine without having to spend additional money to fix.

3. I'm rearranging things in the garage in a vain attempt to make things better.

The corner by the door is turning into a tool/recycling center area. I've moved some shelves in for some of Isaac's tools and folderol, and the camp chairs and other long-ish items are going to be moved out to the shed.

The more I poke at this stuff, the more I really realize we do need a shop in a desperate way, becasue SO MUCH OF THIS STUFF COULD GO INTO A SHOP and we'd have work areas as well.

I still have to replace the siding on the front of the house and do some painting or some kind of weatherproofing on the new wood. Not looking forward to that, but it's gotta be done.

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