Saturday, December 23, 2023

Garage Update

When we finished the siding project on the house last fall, I had some siding left over. I didn't want to get rid of it, nor was I all that excited to keep it, since that meant storing this really long awkward stuff somewhere on the property. Luckily, I found a place to keep it in the garage.

Then we had the garage mishap, and needed some siding.

I finally got the siding replaced yesterday. I thought at first that I had only one damaged piece to deal with, but when I looked at the others, I found that there were three that had damage. Two I could have used in a pinch, but since I had undamaged siding to use, I just threw the broken stuff away.

I ended up putting it on the house twice, as the first time when I tried to bridge the last gap and noticed I had things on a little crooked. So I started over and on the second time got things in place properly.

We still have some painting to do, and a lot of stuff shuffling inside in order to get my car in there, but we're a lot closer than we were just a few days ago.

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