Saturday, December 9, 2023

Funk is Setting In

"C'mon, Dad, speed it up. We're barely outrunning that black cloud that follows you around."

~Louise Belcher

So I'm trying to hold it all together, but it's been a trying week.

Started off Monday being accused by my, I don't know how to describe it, schizophrenic supervisor of starting an argument, all because she couldn't be bothered to scroll a few times in an email.

A drill on Wednesday. I thought I could get out of drills by working from home, but no, that's not going to happen. And it was the longest drill we have ever had -- just over three hours long. I have no idea why it went so long. Well, there was some tension and arguing.

The funk is setting in.

Then I was hoping to have a relaxing weekend -- then Isaac accidentally drove the truck into the garage and pushed part of the garage door entry off kilter. I'm glad the door was open so it wasn't damaged, but we have the wall to fix. I can't fix it, but I've got a guy coming on Sunday to at least take a look. So I'm in this holding pattern hell with that hanging over my head. I volunteered to sleep on the kitchen floor to allay fears someone would try to sneak into the garage -- the door won't go down because of the broken wall -- and the back door to the house doesn't lock. I also got the dogs, because I always get the dogs. It was a really lousy night's sleep, not that I get great sleep anyway.

We also think it's wise to have someone stay at home at all times due to security, and today that meant me because everyone else got to go to a camp staff party while I sat here with the dogs, one of which pooped in my lap because she refuses to go outside in the really cold weather.

The funk is setting in.

The funk is setting in. I'm so tired.

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